1. 如何在啟動時執行操作


全域設定 onLoad 的類型為 State => State,它會在所有專案建置和載入完成後執行一次。有一個類似的鉤子 onUnload,用於在專案卸載時執行。

專案卸載通常發生在 reload 命令或 set 命令之後。由於 onLoadonUnload 鉤子是全域的,修改此設定通常涉及將新函式與先前的值組合。以下範例顯示定義 onLoad 的基本結構。

假設您想在啟動時執行名為 dependencyUpdates 的任務。您可以這樣做

lazy val dependencyUpdates = taskKey[Unit]("foo")

// This prepends the String you would type into the shell
lazy val startupTransition: State => State = { s: State =>
  "dependencyUpdates" :: s

lazy val root = (project in file("."))
    ThisBuild / scalaVersion := "2.12.6",
    ThisBuild / organization := "com.example",
    name := "helloworld",
    dependencyUpdates := { println("hi") },

    // onLoad is scoped to Global because there's only one.
    Global / onLoad := {
      val old = (Global / onLoad).value
      // compose the new transition on top of the existing one
      // in case your plugins are using this hook.
      startupTransition compose old
