1. 快取





sbt.util.Cache 提供基本快取功能

package sbt.util

 * A simple cache with keys of type `I` and values of type `O`
trait Cache[I, O] {

   * Queries the cache backed with store `store` for key `key`.
  def apply(store: CacheStore)(key: I): CacheResult[O]

我們可以透過匯入 sbt.util.CacheImplicits._,從 IOsjsonnew.JsonFormat 實例衍生出 Cache[I, O] 的實例 (這也會帶入 BasicJsonProtocol)。

若要使用快取,我們可以透過使用 CacheStore (或檔案) 和執行實際工作的函式呼叫 Cache.cached 來建立快取函式。通常,快取儲存區會建立為 streams.value.cacheStoreFactory / "something"。在下列 REPL 範例中,我將從暫存檔案建立快取儲存區。

scala> import sbt._, sbt.util.CacheImplicits._
import sbt._
import sbt.util.CacheImplicits._

scala> def doWork(i: Int): List[String] = {
doWork: (i: Int)List[String]

// use streams.value.cacheStoreFactory.make("something") for real tasks
scala> val store = sbt.util.CacheStore(file("/tmp/something"))
store: sbt.util.CacheStore = sbt.util.FileBasedStore@5a4a6716

scala> val cachedWork: Int => List[String] = Cache.cached(store)(doWork)
cachedWork: Int => List[String] = sbt.util.Cache$$$Lambda$5577/1548870528@3bb59fba

scala> cachedWork(1)
res0: List[String] = List(foo)

scala> cachedWork(1)
res1: List[String] = List(foo)

scala> cachedWork(3)
res2: List[String] = List(foo, foo, foo)

scala> cachedWork(1)
res3: List[String] = List(foo)

如您所見,當連續呼叫 cachedWork(1) 時會快取。


TaskKey 有一個名為 previous 的方法會傳回 Option[A],可用作輕量追蹤器。假設我們要建立一個任務,其中一開始傳回 "hi",並在後續呼叫附加 "!",您可以定義一個名為 hiTaskKey[String],並擷取其先前的值,其類型將為 Option[String]。第一次時,先前的值將為 None,而後續呼叫則為 Some(x)

lazy val hi = taskKey[String]("say hi again")
hi := {
  import sbt.util.CacheImplicits._
  val prev = hi.previous
  prev match {
    case None    => "hi"
    case Some(x) => x + "!"

我們可以透過從 sbt shell 執行 show hi 來測試此項

sbt:hello> show hi
[info] hi
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed Aug 16, 2019 12:24:32 AM
sbt:hello> show hi
[info] hi!
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed Aug 16, 2019 12:24:33 AM
sbt:hello> show hi
[info] hi!!
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed Aug 16, 2019 12:24:34 AM
sbt:hello> show hi
[info] hi!!!
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed Aug 16, 2019 12:24:35 AM

對於每次呼叫,hi.previous 都包含評估 hi 的先前結果。


sbt.util.Tracked 提供部分快取功能,可與其他追蹤器混合和比對。

與與任務金鑰關聯的先前值類似,sbt.util.Tracked.lastOutput 會建立最後計算值的追蹤器。Tracked.lastOutput 在儲存值的位置方面提供更大的彈性。(這允許在多個任務之間共用值)。

假設我們一開始將 Int 作為輸入,並將其轉換為 String,但在後續叫用中,我們會附加 "!"

scala> import sbt._, sbt.util.CacheImplicits._
import sbt._
import sbt.util.CacheImplicits._

// use streams.value.cacheStoreFactory.make("last") for real tasks
scala> val store = sbt.util.CacheStore(file("/tmp/last"))
store: sbt.util.CacheStore = sbt.util.FileBasedStore@5a4a6716

scala> val badCachedWork = Tracked.lastOutput[Int, String](store) {
         case (in, None)       => in.toString
         case (in, Some(read)) => read + "!"
badCachedWork: Int => String = sbt.util.Tracked$$$Lambda$6326/638923124@68c6ff60

scala> badCachedWork(1)
res1: String = 1

scala> badCachedWork(1)
res2: String = 1!

scala> badCachedWork(2)
res3: String = 1!!

scala> badCachedWork(2)
res4: String = 1!!!

注意:當輸入變更時,Tracked.lastOutput 不會使快取失效。

請參閱下方的 Tracked.inputChanged 區段以使其運作。


若要追蹤輸入參數的變更,請使用 Tracked.inputChanged

scala> import sbt._, sbt.util.CacheImplicits._
import sbt._
import sbt.util.CacheImplicits._

// use streams.value.cacheStoreFactory.make("input") for real tasks
scala> val store = sbt.util.CacheStore(file("/tmp/input"))
store: sbt.util.CacheStore = sbt.util.FileBasedStore@5a4a6716

scala> val tracker = Tracked.inputChanged[Int, String](store) { case (changed, in) =>
         if (changed) {
           println("input changed")
tracker: Int => String = sbt.util.Tracked$$$Lambda$6357/1296627950@6e6837e4

scala> tracker(1)
input changed
res6: String = 1

scala> tracker(1)
res7: String = 1

scala> tracker(2)
input changed
res8: String = 2

scala> tracker(2)
res9: String = 2

scala> tracker(1)
input changed
res10: String = 1

現在,我們可以巢狀 Tracked.inputChangedTracked.lastOutput 以重新取得快取失效。

// use streams.value.cacheStoreFactory
scala> val cacheFactory = sbt.util.CacheStoreFactory(file("/tmp/cache"))
cacheFactory: sbt.util.CacheStoreFactory = sbt.util.DirectoryStoreFactory@3a3d3778

scala> def doWork(i: Int): String = {
doWork: (i: Int)String

scala> val cachedWork2 = Tracked.inputChanged[Int, String](cacheFactory.make("input")) { case (changed: Boolean, in: Int) =>
         val tracker = Tracked.lastOutput[Int, String](cacheFactory.make("last")) {
           case (in, None)       => doWork(in)
           case (in, Some(read)) =>
             if (changed) doWork(in)
             else read
cachedWork2: Int => String = sbt.util.Tracked$$$Lambda$6548/972308467@1c9788cc

scala> cachedWork2(1)
res0: String = 1

scala> cachedWork2(1)
res1: String = 1


lazy val hi = taskKey[String]("say hi")
lazy val hiCount = taskKey[(String, Int)]("track number of the times hi was called")

hi := hiCount.value._1
hiCount := {
  import sbt.util.CacheImplicits._
  val prev = hiCount.previous
  val s = streams.value
  def doWork(x: String): String = {
    x + "!"
  val cachedWork = Tracked.inputChanged[String, (String, Int)](s.cacheStoreFactory.make("input")) { case (changed: Boolean, in: String) =>
    prev match {
      case None            => (doWork(in), 0)
      case Some((last, n)) =>
        if (changed || n > 1) (doWork(in), 0)
        else (last, n + 1)

這會使用 hiCount 任務的先前值來追蹤呼叫次數,並在 n > 1 時使快取失效。

sbt:hello> hi
[info] working...
[success] Total time: 1 s, completed Aug 17, 2019 10:36:34 AM
sbt:hello> hi
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed Aug 17, 2019 10:36:35 AM
sbt:hello> hi
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed Aug 17, 2019 10:36:38 AM
sbt:hello> hi
[info] working...
[success] Total time: 1 s, completed Aug 17, 2019 10:36:40 AM


檔案通常會作為快取目標出現,但 java.io.File 只攜帶檔案名稱,因此它本身對於快取目的來說不是很有用。

對於檔案快取,sbt 提供稱為 sbt.util.FileFunction.cached(...) 的功能,以快取檔案輸入和輸出。以下範例實作快取任務,該任務會計算 *.md 中的行數,並在交叉目標目錄下輸出 *.md,並將行數作為其內容。

lazy val countInput = taskKey[Seq[File]]("")
lazy val countFiles = taskKey[Seq[File]]("")

def doCount(in: Set[File], outDir: File): Set[File] =
  in map { source =>
    val out = outDir / source.getName
    val c = IO.readLines(source).size
    IO.write(out, c + "\n")

lazy val root = (project in file("."))
    countInput :=
        .list(Glob(baseDirectory.value + "/*.md"))
    countFiles := {
      val s = streams.value
      val in = countInput.value
      val t = crossTarget.value

      // wraps a function doCount in an up-to-date check
      val cachedFun = FileFunction.cached(s.cacheDirectory / "count") { (in: Set[File]) =>
        doCount(in, t): Set[File]
      // Applies the cached function to the inputs files

第一個參數清單還有兩個額外引數,可讓明確指定檔案追蹤樣式。預設情況下,輸入追蹤樣式為 FilesInfo.lastModified,根據檔案的上次修改時間,而輸出追蹤樣式為 FilesInfo.exists,僅根據檔案是否存在。


  • FileInfo.exists 追蹤檔案是否存在
  • FileInfo.lastModified 追蹤上次修改的時間戳記
  • FileInfo.hash 追蹤 SHA-1 內容雜湊
  • FileInfo.full 追蹤上次修改和內容雜湊
scala> FileInfo.exists(file("/tmp/cache/last"))
res23: sbt.util.PlainFileInfo = PlainFile(/tmp/cache/last,true)

scala> FileInfo.lastModified(file("/tmp/cache/last"))
res24: sbt.util.ModifiedFileInfo = FileModified(/tmp/cache/last,1565855326328)

scala> FileInfo.hash(file("/tmp/cache/last"))
res25: sbt.util.HashFileInfo = FileHash(/tmp/cache/last,List(-89, -11, 75, 97, 65, -109, -74, -126, -124, 43, 37, -16, 9, -92, -70, -100, -82, 95, 93, -112))

scala> FileInfo.full(file("/tmp/cache/last"))
res26: sbt.util.HashModifiedFileInfo = FileHashModified(/tmp/cache/last,List(-89, -11, 75, 97, 65, -109, -74, -126, -124, 43, 37, -16, 9, -92, -70, -100, -82, 95, 93, -112),1565855326328)

還有 sbt.util.FilesInfo 接受 FileSet (雖然這並非總是有效,因為它使用的抽象類型很複雜)。

scala> FilesInfo.exists(Set(file("/tmp/cache/last"), file("/tmp/cache/nonexistent")))
res31: sbt.util.FilesInfo[_1.F] forSome { val _1: sbt.util.FileInfo.Style } = FilesInfo(Set(PlainFile(/tmp/cache/last,true), PlainFile(/tmp/cache/nonexistent,false)))


以下範例實作快取任務,該任務會計算 README.md 中的行數。

lazy val count = taskKey[Int]("")

count := {
  import sbt.util.CacheImplicits._
  val prev = count.previous
  val s = streams.value
  val toCount = baseDirectory.value / "README.md"
  def doCount(source: File): Int = {
  val cachedCount = Tracked.inputChanged[ModifiedFileInfo, Int](s.cacheStoreFactory.make("input")) {
    (changed: Boolean, in: ModifiedFileInfo) =>
      prev match {
        case None       => doCount(in.file)
        case Some(last) =>
          if (changed) doCount(in.file)
          else last

我們可以透過從 sbt shell 執行 show count 來嘗試此項

sbt:hello> show count
[info] working...
[info] 2
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed Aug 16, 2019 9:58:38 PM
sbt:hello> show count
[info] 2
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed Aug 16, 2019 9:58:39 PM

// change something in README.md
sbt:hello> show count
[info] working...
[info] 3
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed Aug 16, 2019 9:58:44 PM

由於 sbt.util.FileInfo 實作 JsonFormat 以持續保存自身,因此此項可立即運作。


追蹤的運作方式是蓋印檔案 (收集檔案屬性),將印記儲存在快取中,然後稍後進行比較。有時,重要的是要注意蓋印發生的時間。假設我們要格式化 TypeScript 檔案,並使用 SHA-1 雜湊來偵測變更。在執行格式化程式之前蓋印檔案,會導致在後續呼叫任務時使快取失效。這是因為格式化程式本身可能會修改 TypeScript 檔案。

使用 Tracked.outputChanged 在您的工作完成之後蓋印,以防止這種情況發生。

lazy val compileTypeScript = taskKey[Unit]("compiles *.ts files")
lazy val formatTypeScript = taskKey[Seq[File]]("format *.ts files")

compileTypeScript / sources := (baseDirectory.value / "src").globRecursive("*.ts").get
formatTypeScript := {
  import sbt.util.CacheImplicits._
  val s = streams.value
  val files = (compileTypeScript / sources).value

  def doFormat(source: File): File = {
    s.log.info(s"formatting $source")
    val lines = IO.readLines(source)
    IO.writeLines(source, lines ++ List("// something"))
  val tracker = Tracked.outputChanged(s.cacheStoreFactory.make("output")) {
     (outChanged: Boolean, outputs: Seq[HashFileInfo]) =>
       if (outChanged) outputs map { info => doFormat(info.file) }
       else outputs map { _.file }
  tracker(() => files.map(FileInfo.hash(_)))

從 sbt shell 鍵入 formatTypeScript 以查看其運作方式

sbt:hello> formatTypeScript
[info] formatting /Users/eed3si9n/work/hellotest/src/util.ts
[info] formatting /Users/eed3si9n/work/hellotest/src/hello.ts
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed Aug 17, 2019 10:07:30 AM
sbt:hello> formatTypeScript
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed Aug 17, 2019 10:07:32 AM

此實作的一個潛在缺點是,我們只擁有關於任何檔案已變更之事實的 true/false 資訊。這可能會導致在任何一個檔案變更時重新格式化所有檔案。

// make change to one file
sbt:hello> formatTypeScript
[info] formatting /Users/eed3si9n/work/hellotest/src/util.ts
[info] formatting /Users/eed3si9n/work/hellotest/src/hello.ts
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed Aug 17, 2019 10:13:47 AM

請參閱下方的 Tracked.diffOuputs,以防止這種全有或全無的行為。

Tracked.outputChanged 的另一個潛在使用方法是將其與 FileInfo.exists(_) 一起使用,以追蹤輸出檔案是否仍然存在。如果您在也儲存快取的 target 目錄下輸出內容,通常不需要這麼做。


Tracked.inputChanged 追蹤器只會給出 Boolean 值,因此當快取失效時,我們需要重做所有工作。使用 Tracked.diffInputs 來追蹤差異。

Tracked.diffInputs 會報告名為 sbt.util.ChangeReport 的資料類型

/** The result of comparing some current set of objects against a previous set of objects.*/
trait ChangeReport[T] {

  /** The set of all of the objects in the current set.*/
  def checked: Set[T]

  /** All of the objects that are in the same state in the current and reference sets.*/
  def unmodified: Set[T]

   * All checked objects that are not in the same state as the reference.  This includes objects that are in both
   * sets but have changed and files that are only in one set.
  def modified: Set[T] // all changes, including added

  /** All objects that are only in the current set.*/
  def added: Set[T]

  /** All objects only in the previous set*/
  def removed: Set[T]
  def +++(other: ChangeReport[T]): ChangeReport[T] = new CompoundChangeReport(this, other)



lazy val compileTypeScript = taskKey[Unit]("compiles *.ts files")

compileTypeScript / sources := (baseDirectory.value / "src").globRecursive("*.ts").get
compileTypeScript := {
  val s = streams.value
  val files = (compileTypeScript / sources).value
  Tracked.diffInputs(s.cacheStoreFactory.make("input_diff"), FileInfo.lastModified)(files.toSet) {
    (inDiff: ChangeReport[File]) =>


sbt:hello> compileTypeScript
[info] Change report:
[info]  Checked: /Users/eed3si9n/work/hellotest/src/util.ts, /Users/eed3si9n/work/hellotest/src/hello.ts
[info]  Modified: /Users/eed3si9n/work/hellotest/src/util.ts, /Users/eed3si9n/work/hellotest/src/hello.ts
[info]  Unmodified:
[info]  Added: /Users/eed3si9n/work/hellotest/src/util.ts, /Users/eed3si9n/work/hellotest/src/hello.ts
[info]  Removed:
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed Aug 17, 2019 10:42:50 AM
sbt:hello> compileTypeScript
[info] Change report:
[info]  Checked: /Users/eed3si9n/work/hellotest/src/util.ts, /Users/eed3si9n/work/hellotest/src/bye.ts
[info]  Modified: /Users/eed3si9n/work/hellotest/src/hello.ts, /Users/eed3si9n/work/hellotest/src/bye.ts
[info]  Unmodified: /Users/eed3si9n/work/hellotest/src/util.ts
[info]  Added: /Users/eed3si9n/work/hellotest/src/bye.ts
[info]  Removed: /Users/eed3si9n/work/hellotest/src/hello.ts
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed Aug 17, 2019 10:43:37 AM

如果我們在 *.ts 檔案和 *.js 檔案之間建立對應,那麼我們應該能夠讓編譯更具增量性。對於 Scala 的增量編譯,Zinc 會追蹤 *.scala*.class 檔案之間的關係以及 *.scala 之間的關係。我們可以為 TypeScript 建立類似的東西。將下列內容另存為 project/TypeScript.scala

import sbt._
import sjsonnew.{ :*:, LList, LNil}
import sbt.util.CacheImplicits._

 * products - products keep the mapping between source *.ts files and *.js files that are generated.
 * references - references keep the mapping between *.ts files referencing other *.ts files.
case class TypeScriptAnalysis(products: List[(File, File)], references: List[(File, File)]) {
  def ++(that: TypeScriptAnalysis): TypeScriptAnalysis =
    TypeScriptAnalysis(products ++ that.products, references ++ that.references)
object TypeScriptAnalysis {
  implicit val analysisIso = LList.iso(
    { a: TypeScriptAnalysis => ("products", a.products) :*: ("references", a.references) :*: LNil },
    { in: List[(File, File)] :*: List[(File, File)] :*: LNil => TypeScriptAnalysis(in._1, in._2) })


lazy val compileTypeScript = taskKey[TypeScriptAnalysis]("compiles *.ts files")

compileTypeScript / sources := (baseDirectory.value / "src").globRecursive("*.ts").get
compileTypeScript / target := target.value / "js"
compileTypeScript := {
  import sbt.util.CacheImplicits._
  val prev0 = compileTypeScript.previous
  val prev = prev0.getOrElse(TypeScriptAnalysis(Nil, Nil))
  val s = streams.value
  val files = (compileTypeScript / sources).value

  def doCompile(source: File): TypeScriptAnalysis = {
    val out = (compileTypeScript / target).value / source.getName.replaceAll("""\.ts$""", ".js")
    // add a fake reference from any file to util.ts
    val references: List[(File, File)] =
      if (source.getName != "util.ts") List(source -> (baseDirectory.value / "src" / "util.ts"))
      else Nil
    TypeScriptAnalysis(List(source -> out), references)
  Tracked.diffInputs(s.cacheStoreFactory.make("input_diff"), FileInfo.lastModified)(files.toSet) {
    (inDiff: ChangeReport[File]) =>
    val products = scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer(prev.products: _*)
    val references = scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer(prev.references: _*)
    val initial = inDiff.modified & inDiff.checked
    val reverseRefs = initial.flatMap(x => Set(x) ++ references.collect({ case (k, `x`) => k }).toSet )
    products --= products.filter({ case (k, v) => reverseRefs(k) || inDiff.removed(k) })
    references --= references.filter({ case (k, v) => reverseRefs(k) || inDiff.removed(k) })
    reverseRefs foreach { x =>
      val temp = doCompile(x)
      products ++= temp.products
      references ++= temp.references
    TypeScriptAnalysis(products.toList, references.toList)

上述是一個虛擬編譯,只會在 target/js 下建立 .js 檔案。

sbt:hello> compileTypeScript
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed Aug 16, 2019 10:22:58 PM
sbt:hello> compileTypeScript
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed Aug 16, 2019 10:23:03 PM

由於我們新增了從 hello.tsutil.ts 的參考,如果我們修改 src/util.ts,則應觸發 src/util.tssrc/hello.ts 的編譯。

sbt:hello> show compileTypeScript
[info] TypeScriptAnalysis(List((/Users/eed3si9n/work/hellotest/src/util.ts,/Users/eed3si9n/work/hellotest/target/js/util.ts), (/Users/eed3si9n/work/hellotest/src/hello.ts,/Users/eed3si9n/work/hellotest/target/js/hello.ts)),List((/Users/eed3si9n/work/hellotest/src/hello.ts,/Users/eed3si9n/work/hellotest/src/util.ts)))



Tracked.diffOutputs 是更精細版本的 Tracked.outputChanged,會在工作完成後蓋印,並且能夠報告修改的檔案集合。

這可用於僅格式化變更的 TypeScript 檔案。

lazy val formatTypeScript = taskKey[Seq[File]]("format *.ts files")

compileTypeScript / sources := (baseDirectory.value / "src").globRecursive("*.ts").get
formatTypeScript := {
  val s = streams.value
  val files = (compileTypeScript / sources).value
  def doFormat(source: File): File = {
    s.log.info(s"formatting $source")
    val lines = IO.readLines(source)
    IO.writeLines(source, lines ++ List("// something"))
  Tracked.diffOutputs(s.cacheStoreFactory.make("output_diff"), FileInfo.hash)(files.toSet) {
    (outDiff: ChangeReport[File]) =>
    val initial = outDiff.modified & outDiff.checked
    initial.toList map doFormat

以下是 shell 中 formatTypeScript 的外觀

sbt:hello> formatTypeScript
[info] formatting /Users/eed3si9n/work/hellotest/src/util.ts
[info] formatting /Users/eed3si9n/work/hellotest/src/hello.ts
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed Aug 17, 2019 9:28:56 AM
sbt:hello> formatTypeScript
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed Aug 17, 2019 9:28:58 AM


sbt-scalafmt 實作了 scalafmtscalafmtCheck 任務,它們彼此協作。舉例來說,如果 scalafmt 成功執行,且原始碼沒有任何變更,它將會跳過 scalafmtCheck 的檢查。


private def cachedCheckSources(
  cacheStoreFactory: CacheStoreFactory,
  sources: Seq[File],
  config: Path,
  log: Logger,
  writer: PrintWriter
): ScalafmtAnalysis = {
  trackSourcesAndConfig(cacheStoreFactory, sources, config) {
    (outDiff, configChanged, prev) =>
      val updatedOrAdded = outDiff.modified & outDiff.checked
      val filesToCheck =
        if (configChanged) sources
        else updatedOrAdded.toList
      val failed = prev.failed filter { _.exists }
      val files = (filesToCheck ++ failed.toSet).toSeq
      val result = checkSources(files, config, log, writer)
      // cachedCheckSources moved the outDiff cursor forward,
      // save filesToCheck so scalafmt can later run formatting
        failed = result.failed,
        pending = (prev.pending ++ filesToCheck).distinct

private def trackSourcesAndConfig(
  cacheStoreFactory: CacheStoreFactory,
  sources: Seq[File],
  config: Path
    f: (ChangeReport[File], Boolean, ScalafmtAnalysis) => ScalafmtAnalysis
): ScalafmtAnalysis = {
  val prevTracker = Tracked.lastOutput[Unit, ScalafmtAnalysis](cacheStoreFactory.make("last")) {
    (_, prev0) =>
    val prev = prev0.getOrElse(ScalafmtAnalysis(Nil, Nil))
    val tracker = Tracked.inputChanged[HashFileInfo, ScalafmtAnalysis](cacheStoreFactory.make("config")) {
      case (configChanged, configHash) =>
        Tracked.diffOutputs(cacheStoreFactory.make("output-diff"), FileInfo.lastModified)(sources.toSet) {
          (outDiff: ChangeReport[File]) =>
          f(outDiff, configChanged, prev)

在上述程式碼中,trackSourcesAndConfig 是一個三層巢狀的追蹤器,它追蹤設定檔、原始碼的最後修改時間戳記,以及兩個任務之間共享的前一個值。為了在兩個不同的任務之間共享前一個值,我們使用 Tracked.lastOutput 而不是與鍵相關聯的 .previous 方法。


根據您需要的控制程度,sbt 提供了一組彈性的工具來快取和追蹤值與檔案。

  • .previousFileFunction.cachedCache.cached 是開始使用的基本快取機制。
  • 若要根據輸入參數的變更使某些結果失效,請使用 Tracked.inputChanged
  • 檔案屬性可以使用 FileInfo.existsFileInfo.lastModifiedFileInfo.hash 以值的形式追蹤。
  • Tracked 提供了通常為巢狀的追蹤器,用於追蹤輸入失效、輸出失效和差異。