注意:從 sbt 0.13.7 開始,不再使用空白行來分隔 build.sbt
檔案。以下範例需要 sbt 0.13.7+。
這裡列出一些設定範例 (每個設定都是獨立的)。有關詳細資訊,請參閱.sbt 建置定義。
import scala.concurrent.duration._
// factor out common settings
ThisBuild / organization := "org.myproject"
ThisBuild / scalaVersion := "2.12.18"
// set the Scala version used for the project
ThisBuild / version := "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
// set the prompt (for this build) to include the project id.
ThisBuild / shellPrompt := { state => Project.extract(state).currentRef.project + "> " }
// define ModuleID for library dependencies
lazy val scalacheck = "org.scalacheck" %% "scalacheck" % "1.17.0"
// define ModuleID using string interpolator
lazy val osmlibVersion = "2.5.2-RC1"
lazy val osmlib = ("net.sf.travelingsales" % "osmlib" % osmlibVersion from
lazy val root = (project in file("."))
// set the name of the project
name := "My Project",
// set the main Scala source directory to be <base>/src
Compile / scalaSource := baseDirectory.value / "src",
// set the Scala test source directory to be <base>/test
Test / scalaSource := baseDirectory.value / "test",
// add a test dependency on ScalaCheck
libraryDependencies += scalacheck % Test,
// add compile dependency on osmlib
libraryDependencies += osmlib,
// reduce the maximum number of errors shown by the Scala compiler
maxErrors := 20,
// increase the time between polling for file changes when using continuous execution
pollInterval := 1.second,
// append several options to the list of options passed to the Java compiler
javacOptions ++= Seq("-source", "1.5", "-target", "1.5"),
// append -deprecation to the options passed to the Scala compiler
scalacOptions += "-deprecation",
// define the statements initially evaluated when entering 'console', 'consoleQuick', or 'consoleProject'
initialCommands := """
|import System.{currentTimeMillis => now}
|def time[T](f: => T): T = {
| val start = now
| try { f } finally { println("Elapsed: " + (now - start)/1000.0 + " s") }
// set the initial commands when entering 'console' or 'consoleQuick', but not 'consoleProject'
console / initialCommands := "import myproject._",
// set the main class for packaging the main jar
// 'run' will still auto-detect and prompt
// change Compile to Test to set it for the test jar
Compile / packageBin / mainClass := Some("myproject.MyMain"),
// set the main class for the main 'run' task
// change Compile to Test to set it for 'Test/run'
Compile / run / mainClass := Some("myproject.MyMain"),
// add <base>/input to the files that '~' triggers on
watchSources += baseDirectory.value / "input",
// add a maven-style repository
resolvers += "name" at "url",
// add a sequence of maven-style repositories
resolvers ++= Seq("name" at "url"),
// define the repository to publish to
publishTo := Some("name" at "url"),
// set Ivy logging to be at the highest level
ivyLoggingLevel := UpdateLogging.Full,
// disable updating dynamic revisions (including -SNAPSHOT versions)
offline := true,
// set the prompt (for the current project) to include the username
shellPrompt := { state => System.getProperty("user.name") + "> " },
// disable printing timing information, but still print [success]
showTiming := false,
// disable printing a message indicating the success or failure of running a task
showSuccess := false,
// change the format used for printing task completion time
timingFormat := {
import java.text.DateFormat
DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.SHORT)
// disable using the Scala version in output paths and artifacts
crossPaths := false,
// fork a new JVM for 'run' and 'Test/run'
fork := true,
// fork a new JVM for 'Test/run', but not 'run'
Test / fork := true,
// add a JVM option to use when forking a JVM for 'run'
javaOptions += "-Xmx2G",
// only use a single thread for building
parallelExecution := false,
// Execute tests in the current project serially
// Tests from other projects may still run concurrently.
Test / parallelExecution := false,
// set the location of the JDK to use for compiling Java code.
// if 'fork' is true, this is used for 'run' as well
javaHome := Some(file("/usr/lib/jvm/sun-jdk-1.6")),
// Use Scala from a directory on the filesystem instead of retrieving from a repository
scalaHome := Some(file("/home/user/scala/trunk/")),
// don't aggregate clean (See FullConfiguration for aggregation details)
clean / aggregate := false,
// only show warnings and errors on the screen for compilations.
// this applies to both Test/compile and compile and is Info by default
compile / logLevel := Level.Warn,
// only show warnings and errors on the screen for all tasks (the default is Info)
// individual tasks can then be more verbose using the previous setting
logLevel := Level.Warn,
// only store messages at info and above (the default is Debug)
// this is the logging level for replaying logging with 'last'
persistLogLevel := Level.Debug,
// only show 10 lines of stack traces
traceLevel := 10,
// only show stack traces up to the first sbt stack frame
traceLevel := 0,
// add SWT to the unmanaged classpath
Compile / unmanagedJars += Attributed.blank(file("/usr/share/java/swt.jar")),
// publish test jar, sources, and docs
Test / publishArtifact := true,
// disable publishing of main docs
Compile / packageDoc / publishArtifact := false,
// change the classifier for the docs artifact
packageDoc / artifactClassifier := Some("doc"),
// Copy all managed dependencies to <build-root>/lib_managed/
// This is essentially a project-local cache. There is only one
// lib_managed/ in the build root (not per-project).
retrieveManaged := true,
/* Specify a file containing credentials for publishing. The format is:
realm=Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager
credentials += Credentials(Path.userHome / ".ivy2" / ".credentials"),
// Directly specify credentials for publishing.
credentials += Credentials("Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager", "nexus.scala-tools.org", "admin", "admin123"),
// Exclude transitive dependencies, e.g., include log4j without including logging via jdmk, jmx, or jms.
libraryDependencies +=
"log4j" % "log4j" % "1.2.15" excludeAll(
ExclusionRule(organization = "com.sun.jdmk"),
ExclusionRule(organization = "com.sun.jmx"),
ExclusionRule(organization = "javax.jms")